
Dresden e.V.

icon_telefon_klein The emergency number for women in need of help is:
0351 - 281 77 88

postkarten_motiv_01 postkarten_motiv_01 postkarten_motiv_01 postkarten_motiv_01 postkarten_motiv_01

The emergency number for women in need of help is

icon_telefon_gross 0351 - 281 77 88

Project DIK

Beratung durch die D.I.K.

Intervention and Co-ordination Centre against Domestic Violence / Violence in a Close Social Environment

We give advice to adults affected by domestic violence / stalking.

Women's Refuge

Frauenschutzhaus Dresden

Women who are threatened or affected by violence will be admitted to the Women's Refuge with their children.


Would you like to support our work? We would be happy to receive a donation.

Donation Account:
Frauenschutzhaus Dresden e.V.
IBAN: DE68 8707 0024 0791 5507 00
(Deutsche Bank 24)

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